Today we got this MacBook Pro here what we are doing is an upgrade the hard drive. It has 750gb drive and we are going to a two terabyte drive. We will be using  a software called super-duper. There is a free version available sand it works pretty good. In this  case we had a data failure and it is very slow. also so if you are going to change your hard drive and you want to do basically what is called a clone.

This will be a copy of the hard drive which will boot. You don’t have to do anything special and it is pretty simple to use. I have used this several times and this is the first time I ran into a bug. A couple points I want to make here is number one a lot of these things where you read and they say this is a super simple process most of the time it is but unfortunately for some reason everything that comes here to PC 911 always has a bug and that’s why it’s here.

A lot of times people are trying things on their own, run into a problem and then they come here. They don’t usually tell us about it but they already did all the YouTube & Google fixes trying to figure it out and they could not fix it. I don’t think this is the case with this customer but I just want to show you what happened here in the things you can run into. Basically if you look at that screen it failed, again remember superduper is super slow so we might as well call it super slow duper a more fitting name but it does work.

I don’t want to knock it but we had a failure here in the copying the files. It will give us a log. Keep in mind there are other ways to clone your drive. Now I will try another option. You can see the log of all the files copied and then we go down here to the end now the challenge that that I see here with this program is once it fails a file it stops it doesn’t skip over and keep going like some other programs.

From here I will try Acronis and just take out both hard drives. So as you see it ran into these errors here and then basically stopped. Now we will be restarting from scratch. So when you see all these videos online. Where everything goes super smooth. Don’t get a false sense of how easy it is . Because there are plenty of things that could go wrong and this is one of them.

On a Macbook Pro? Learn how to clone and upgrade it.